There are a lot of different types of commercial wastes that are generated as a result of any business activity. This activity could fall into any of the following categories; sport, entertainment, education, health or recreation. It does not include agricultural or household waste. The standard type of waste produced by businesses can sometimes be classified as municipal waste.
This consists of glass, cardboard, paper, foodstuffs, and cans. Any items consumed or used within the business premises such as tea bags and empty wrappers can constitute as commercial waste. Even grass from a commercial property can be categorized as commercial waste. This is so different from agricultural or domestic waste because, in these two, there is no business angle to them.
Commercial waste is generated as a result of carrying out any of the following activities:
- Mining
- Wholesale and retail trading
- Manufacturing and industrial processes
- A business carried out at a domestic premise
- Resource recovery, sorting, reprocessing, and recycling operations
- Accommodation services
- Hospitality services such as catering
- Veterinary services
- Health services, such as operating a nursing home
- Educational services
- Entertainment events
- Activities carried out by churches
- Activities carried out by charities
- Wholesalers and retailers’ activities.
The different types of commercial wastes include:
Biodegradable Waste
This is a type of waste that originates from plant or animal sources which can be degraded by other living organisms. It can be broken down into carbon dioxide, methane or simple organic molecules. Some examples of commercial waste that are organic waste are; food waste, paper waste, human waste, sewage sludge, hospital waste, and slaughterhouse waste.
Chemical Waste
This is any solid, liquid or gaseous waste material that, if carelessly managed or disposed of, may pose great hazards to human health and the environment. Chemical wastes have been the by-products of industrial activities. This hazardous waste may be toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive or radioactive. It may pollute the environment hence should be disposed of carefully and within the tenets guiding its proper disposal.
Electrical Waste
These are discarded electrical and electronic devices. Some electronic components such as CPUs, contain harmful materials such as lead and hence may pose a significant health risk. Used electronics destined for refurbishment or resale are also considered waste. Commercial electronic waste includes;
- Medical devices such as dialysis machines and medical freezers.
- Consumer equipment such as radios and televisions.
- Lighting equipment such as high-intensity discharge lamps.
- Household appliances such as fridges, toasters, and microwaves.
- Electrical and electronic tools such as drills and saws.
Construction Waste
This consists of unwanted material produced incidentally or coincidentally by construction industries. They include building materials such as nails, electrical wiring, broken pieces of wood, concrete and brick.
Food Leftovers
Some restaurants have little to no food leftover at their premises. This is because they observe the following:
- Encouraging employees to recycle.
- Reducing the number of food items not consumed.
- Composting the waste food and food products.
- Recycling the packaging that the food comes in.
There is a due process to be followed when handling commercial waste. You must have a legally binding contract with a licensed waste carrier to collect commercial waste. As mentioned before, commercial waste is treated differently from domestic waste since it can be in the form of hazardous waste that must be handled professionally and only by a licensed company. Licensed, experienced, reputable and well-equipped companies are best suited for the job. This is due to the demanding nature of commercial waste removal. Only the companies that have passed this threshold can be considered for the job.