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7 Fantastic Ways to Have an Eco Friendly Office

fantastic ways to have eco friendly office

The world today is paying more attention to the environment than at any other time in history. With the climate changes and activism that has accompanied it, individuals and organizations are going to great lengths to adopt eco-friendly living. If you’re one of the innovative startups in London, take inspiration from Global Organizations that go through eco-friendly office culture. According to the Green Living blog, for office owners, a lot can be done to ensure that their office adopts an eco-friendly approach to all operations. Here are the top 7 fantastic ways to have an eco friendly office that you have always wanted.

7 Fantastic Ways to Have an Eco Friendly Office

1. Aim for a paperless office

You should try keeping things digital. This way, you will find out that the number and pieces of documents in your office have gradually reduced. Save files in your computer rather than having them pile up in the office cabinets. Ensure less printing is going on and ask for e-statements rather than invoices and paperwork. Use lighter and thinner papers if the need for documents is. Decide what should and should not print, and this means that not all documents require a hard copy.

Ways to Have an Eco Friendly Office - Paperless Eco friendly office

2. Use natural light

Relying more on natural light ensures that less energy is being consumed. Besides, your office will eventually get that natural look. Ever realized how beautiful natural light is? And how much you can rely on it for long, probably all day long? And how much it helps you save on electricity bills at the end of the month; this gives you all the reason to appreciate this gift of nature. Open or close windows instead of using air conditioners; this will help get that lovely eco feeling.

3. Introduce a desk plant

You might consider introducing a desk plant to have the indoor aesthetics improved as well as bring some clean air. This is completed by a flower on the desk, which does not have to be big and exaggerated; something small, presentable, and unique will give your office the natural look that you desire. Plants play a significant role in freshening up air since plants release oxygen.

4. Embrace renewable energy:

Renewable energy is easy to acquire and much more reliable than hydro generated power.  This is energy gotten directly from nature, it’s pure and non-hazardous. It includes solar energy and wind power energy, which are very green, safe, efficient, and accessible everywhere.

5. Always remember to unplug your electronics:

It is not enough to power down your device. Electrical appliances still consume power when plugged in. Therefore, you should always remember to unplug your office appliances before leaving the office. This will help you save energy and acquire the eco-friendly office wish.

6. Encourage different commuting methods:

Do you ask yourself how much damage exhaust from vehicles cause to our environment? And how good it’d be if you try changing your mode of commuting or getting to work? Well, try sharing cars with colleagues, use buses once in a while to work, sometimes walk to work, or even use a bicycle.

Eco friendly office - Waste Clearance

7. Reduce Waste

The most common office wastes are paper and printing products, office equipments, and other miscellaneous wastes. Make sure you have alternatives for such waste generated. Go through the Guide on Office Waste Management. Beyond the limit, if your office still exists with wastes don’t hesitate to contact us, as we are a leading commercial waste collection company in London.


Most people spend about one-third of their life working, which in most instances, is generally in the office. This can make you completely oblivious and lack more awareness of what surrounds you and what important role it plays in your living.

With time, the knowledge of how beautiful nature gradually builds the desire of drawing it closer to you, and as a result, the eco-friendly office look comes in handy. Your office having the natural look makes you appear useful to your potential employees and business partners. SO GO GREEN.

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Stan Staykov
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